When working at your standing desk, you may find it getting more and more cluttered with stationary, papers and day-to-day items that find themselves in your space. This can cause frustration when looking for space on your desk to work, and the phrase ‘a cluttered desk is a cluttered mind’ comes to the forefront. We believe that the majority of this issue can be solved by installing your standing desk with a drawer.
This article aims to detail the process of installing one of Progressive Desk’s two drawer options to your standing desk, allowing you to declutter and organize your space!
Under Desk Drawers: Main Features
We currently have two drawers available here in Progressive Desk, only differing in size: the DS-01 and the DS-02. Both are metal under desk drawers that were designed for mounting underneath tabletops, keeping clutter off of the ground and allowing it to move with your desk. The drawer is lockable and comes with a set of two keys to keep your belongings secure when you step away from your desk. Brackets are included that can increase the distance between the drawer and the tabletop, so it can be mounted underneath items such as table frame supports, remotes, and wires. Roller rails provide smooth action when opening and closing the drawer, and a small retention that keeps the drawer shut prevents the drawer from opening when bumped into, and acts as a soft close when closing.
Slim in profile, it exists as a functional yet inconspicuous part of your standing desk!
How to Install these Under Desk Drawers to your Standing Desk
Step 1: Collect the Parts
The first part of any build is to ensure that all parts are there in the kit. Please ensure you have:
- 1 x Drawer
- 1 x Set of Keys
- 4 x Wood Screws
- 4 x Machine Screws
- 8 x Washers (4/8 are spare)
- 2 x Brackets
Step 2: Gather the Tools Needed
Some of the tools that you need to install your adjustable standing desk drawer are as follows.
- 5/32 Allen Wrench or bit (comes with our Progressive Desk frames)
- 7/64 Drill bit
- Drill
- Phillips head screw driver/bit
- An extra set of hands
Please have a look below for a summary of what you may need.

Step 3: Install the Brackets to the Desk
To prepare the under desk drawer for your standing desk, we must fit the drawer mounts for the standing desk onto the drawer using 4 of the small machine screws with Phillips heads.
First, locate the 4 bolt holes on the bottom of the drawer.

Second, position the bracket with the big end against the drawer in the manner described in the photo below.

Then, use 2 of the Phillips head machine screws to secure the bracket against the drawer.

Repeat the same steps in this section for the second bracket.

Step 4: Decide Where to Mount the Drawer
This step really depends on user preference as there is no set position for the drawer to be installed into the desk. Here in our office, we decided to mount it to the right most corner. The considerations we made were:
- Whether or not the user leaves and enters the desk from the left or right. The under-desk drawer may impede this movement if mounted in the direction of entry and exit. We suggest mounting it opposite of the direction of entry or exit.
- Left-handed or right-handed. The user of our desk was right-handed so naturally, he would use his right hand to grab things at his convenience. This would mean the drawer would be biased towards the right side of the desk.
- Proximity to remote. We determined that the proximity to all interfaceable accessories for the desk should be kept as close to each other as possible for ease of access. Mounting the drawer directly below the remote was deemed a good way to satisfy this requirement.
Finally, we decided to install the drawer on the right side of our desk underneath the remote to satisfy our guidelines.
Position the drawer in a way you would like it to be under the desk. This is where a helper would be helpful.

Step 5: Drill the Holes for the Screws
The next step to create this standing desk workstation with a drawer is to drill the holes for the wood screws that secure the drawer to the tabletop. We recommend a second helper for this part to hold the drawer up against the tabletop for you to drill the holes.
We first measured how far the drill bit would need to travel into the tabletop and tape it off so that we do not pass this point and pierce the tabletop surface.

While a helper holds the drawer in place, use the 7/64 drill bit to drill one of the holes for the drawer mounting brackets into the tabletop. Once the drill bit has drilled to where the tape is, withdraw the drill entirely while the drill is still spinning.

Step 6: Installing the Screw
Once the drilling is done, immediately install one of the wood screws with a washer using the 5/32 Allen key or bit. Screw until it is firm, and the bolt head is flush against the bracket metal. It is acceptable if the screw is installed at a slight angle as it follows the pilot hole that was drilled before.

Step 7: Repeat the Drilling Part of Step 5 and Step 6
Repeat the drilling and screwing procedure until all 4 wood screws are installed. It is advised that at least one screw on either bracket is installed first to fix the position of the drawer before the last 2 screws are secured.

Installation Complete!

In this article, we covered how to install the Progressive Desk DS-01/DS-02 Under Desk Drawer to increase the work area on your desk. This drawer is truly a great addition to any workspace thanks to its compact look, mounting option, and locking feature. We also have a large range of other standing desk accessories that were all designed to optimize your experience and workspace. Check them out and find your next great standing desk accessory!
If you have any other questions regarding the install, please email us at sales@progressivedesk.com or give us a call at 1-800-828-9414. We are open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm PST.